Ankhlave Arts Alliance, Inc. resides on Canarsie, Lenape land. We are grateful to the Canarsie and Lenape peoples of the past and present and pay respect to their continued cultural presence in the homeland and throughout the Canarsie and Lenape diaspora.  

We know how important it is to recognize the longstanding history that has lead AnkhLave  to reside this land, and to seek to understand our place within that history. Colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we continue to educate ourselves and those who work with us so that we remain mindful of our cultural impact.  We continue to shine light on the fact that Indigenous people are still here, and they are a thriving community. 

We also extend an acknowledgment to all Indigenous groups on this land with solemn gratitude for our ability to present programming on what is now the United States of America. Through our programming within the contemporary art realm and beyond, we intend to make for a more equitable landscape for Indigenous voices to heard.